Our Music Academy Internship programme aims to provide creatives with the knowledge, experience and opportunity to develop their talents and skillset over a 6 month period while being part of a dynamic church team.

Build Knowledge

Build your practical knowledge of music production, equipment and team dynamics.

Gain Experience

Gain direct experience of live music and creative production in a high quality environment.

Develop Skills

Develop your musical and technical skillset while growing in confidence and ability.


Opportunity to play live, learn as part of a supportive team and access in-house practice facilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to join your church?
No, we welcome interns from other churches with the hope of providing opportunities for personal growth that will further resource your home church. We do ask that interns commit to attending the Creative Connect Group and Sunday Services for the duration of the programme.

How long is the internship programme?
Interns will commit to a period of 6 months. During this time they will be involved in our Creative Connect Group and Sunday Services – including monthly individual sessions with the team coordinator. 

Is there a cost?
There is no financial commitment for the Music Academy, however interns will contribute in time and commitment to the Connect Groups and Sunday Services.

Do I need to play an instrument?

Yes, if you want to develop in a particular musical area you will need to own your own instrument and have a basic level of ability.

How much will I get to be involved?
No, we welcome interns from other churches with the hope of providing opportunities for personal growth that will further resource your home church. We do ask that interns commit to attending the Creative Connect Group and Sunday Services for the duration of the programme.

What happens afterwards?
We would love to stay connected. After your 6 month internship, you can stay involved as a team member or take what you have learnt onto new adventures.

Join our 2024 Internship Programme

Applications are now open for our Music Academy Internship programme starting September 2024.